Computer Science Department
University of Southern California
I’m Sid, a CS PhD student in the USC Theory Group, where I am fortunate to be advised by the wonderful Vatsal Sharan and Aleksandra Korolova. I am broadly interested in (1) trustworthy, fair, and robust AI; and (2) theoretical machine learning. I am grateful to have my research supported by a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship.
During Fall 2024, I was a visitor at the Simons institute modern paradigms in generalization research program, where I ate a lot of good food and made many great friends. Prior to that, I was lucky to intern with Gaurush Hiranandani at Amazon during Summer 2024, working on black-box metric optimization for vision and language models. Here is my CV (Nov. 2023).
I completed my undergraduate degrees in math and CS at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), where I explored research in networking, theory, optimization, and reinforcement learning. Along the way, I was extremely fortunate to be advised by these amazing professors: Nick Ruozzi, Jason Jue, Brendan Juba, and Ben Raichel.
If you are a prospective PhD applicant, I am happy to help in any way I can. Please feel free to reach out over email.An Efficient Plugin Method for Metric Optimization of Black-Box Models
Siddartha Devic, Nurendra Choudhary, Anirudh Srinivasan, Sahika Genc, Branislav Kveton, Gaurush Hiranandani
Proper Learnability and the Role of Unlabeled Data
(αβ) Julian Asilis,
Siddartha Devic,
Shaddin Dughmi,
Vatsal Sharan,
Shang-Hua Teng
Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2025).
When is Multicalibration Post-Processing Necessary?
Dutch Hansen*,
Siddartha Devic*,
Preetum Nakkiran,
Vatsal Sharan
Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips 2024)
[arxiv] [short video] [code] [python package]
Transductive Learning Is Compact
(αβ) Julian Asilis,
Siddartha Devic,
Shaddin Dughmi,
Vatsal Sharan,
Shang-Hua Teng
Neural Information Processing Systems (Neurips 2024)
Regularization and Optimal Multiclass Learning
(αβ) Julian Asilis,
Siddartha Devic,
Shaddin Dughmi,
Vatsal Sharan,
Shang-Hua Teng
Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2024)
[arxiv] [slides] [twitter thread]
Stability and Multigroup Fairness in Ranking with Uncertain Predictions
Siddartha Devic,
Aleksandra Korolova,
David Kempe,
Vatsal Sharan
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024)
Non-archival at Symposium on Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC 2024)
[arxiv] [video]
Fairness in Matching under Uncertainty
Siddartha Devic,
David Kempe,
Vatsal Sharan,
Aleksandra Korolova
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023)
Non-archival at ACM conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO 23)
[arxiv] [poster] [slides] [twitter thread] [video]
Polynomial Time Reinforcement Learning in Factored State MDPs with Linear Value Functions
(αβ) Zihao Deng,
Siddartha Devic,
Brendan Juba
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2022)
Also appeared at Neurips 2021 Workshop on Ecological Theory of Reinforcement Learning
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for PON Slicing with Performance-Guaranteed Online Convex Optimization
Genya Ishigaki, Siddartha Devic, Riti Gour, Jason P. Jue
[arxiv] [poster]
DeepPR: Progressive Recovery for Interdependent VNFs with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Genya Ishigaki, Siddartha Devic, Riti Gour, Jason P. Jue
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2020
Also appeared at IEEE GLOBECOM 2019
Open Problem: Can Local Regularization Learn All Multiclass Problems?
(αβ) Julian Asilis,
Siddartha Devic,
Shaddin Dughmi,
Vatsal Sharan,
Shang-Hua Teng
COLT 2024 Open Problem
Failout: Achieving Failure-Resilient Inference in Distributed Neural Networks
Ashkan Yousefpour,
Brian Q Nguyen,
Siddartha Devic,
Guanhua Wang,
Aboudy Kreidieh,
Hans Lobel,
Alexandre M Bayen,
Jason P. Jue
ICML 2020 Workshop on Federated Learning for User Privacy and Data Confidentiality
The first year of my PhD, I served as a CS department senator within the USC Viterbi Graduate Student Association (VGSA), where I was able to bring goats to campus (amongst other things).
I served as President / VP for my undergrad’s ACM chapter, where I am most proud to have established a perpetual $30k endowed scholarship with club funds. Importantly, the scholarship may also grant eligible students an in-state tuition waiver! Students can apply here.
I also served as the undergrad representative on the UTD CS department head search committee during the 2020-2021 academic year.
If you are a UTD student interested in pursuing a PhD, you may find the grad school section I wrote of this guide helpful. Also check out this research internship / REU masterlist which I put together.
In my free time I enjoy climbing/bouldering, surfing, hiking, and skiing (the latter two less frequently!). I have (at some point in the past) also attempted the following: learning art, running, calisthenics progressions, playing classical piano, swimming, and binging npr tiny desk concerts.
Some other stuff from undergrad:
Give, even if you only have a little.
-Siddhartha Gautama